Construction Management. General Contracting.

About Us
TAL-CO BUILDING INNOVATIONS is a unique enterprise concentrating on Construction Management, Project Management, Design-Build Services and General Contracting. Our vision combines the “tried & true” from generations past with our exceptional, progressively innovative passion for transforming “Ideas” into Reality.
What We Do
Construction Management
A project delivery method whereby the client retains a construction manager to provide certain pre-construction expertise.
General Contracting
The traditional approach for construction projects consists of the appointment of a designer on one side, and the appointment of a contractor on the other side.
Design Build
Design–build is a method to deliver a project in which the design and construction services are contracted by a single entity known as the design–build contractor.
Project Management
Project management is the process and activity of planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling resources to achieve specific goals.
Value Engineering
Value Engineering is a conscious and explicit set of disciplined procedures designed to seek out optimum value for both initial and long-term investment.
Pre-Construction Management
Pre-construction services are used in planning a construction project before the actual construction begins.
Our Projects
Innovation is not the result of thinking differently.
It is the result of thinking deliberately (in specific ways) about existing problems and unmet needs.
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